Need for Counselling

Need for Counselling

Every student is unique and their challenges are different. Career counselling helps them identify what they are passionate about. The process shapes a student’s behaviour and inclines their characteristics with their skills.
In Marjanki Ferrando Hadem’s words, “I have experienced confusion from my school days till I reached college. The confusion followed me till I started working. I have dropped out of higher secondary and changed streams. I have dropped out of the bachelor course. I have changed jobs. Then, later on, I found my passion, which is business. If I would have known this from the beginning, I could have chosen the right path and saved a lot of time and energy. There are so many gaps and delays in my studies and career, all due to a lack of proper guidance. Many confused students need help and guidance, this is not just a business, this is an immense contribution to the future of our country. Hence counselling is my choice of business.”
It is really easy to get distracted and lost. Friends, peer pressure, and family pressure, many will contribute towards derailing a student on his/her path or a student may de-rail himself/herself off the right path by not knowing exactly what is right, not knowing his strength and weakness, not knowing the available options for study or career path. Time is something that cannot be restored or purchased, counselling will save a student from wasting time on the wrong career path, and counselling will save parents from investing their hard-earned money in the wrong option.